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Abbe Vision Inc. is the successor of Powerscope Inc. which was founded by Dr. Amir Naqwi and was in operation from 2001 to 2012. Powerscope has been the recipient of several federal grants from NIH, DOE and NSF for the development of innovative technologies. The company has had core competencies in aerosol technology, laser diagnostics and fluid mechanics. Powerscope developed devices for aerosolized drug delivery and drug aerosol characterization, in addition to certain non-medical products. After an acquisition in 2012, Powerscope was deactivated. In July 2017, Dr. Naqwi reactivated the company with the new name Abbe Vision Inc. The company is currently conducting contract research in the area of regenerative medicine and seeking federal grants to expand its operations.


Abbe Vision’s mission is to leverage our core competencies in aerosol technology, laser diagnostics and fluid mechanics to develop and commercialize products and processes for the health and safety of people.

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Our name honors German scientist, educator and entrepreneur Ernst Abbe (1840 - 1905) who led Carl Zeiss AG in late 1800s and transformed it into a model technology company.

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A Perpetually Vigorous Idea


Man wird also zum voraus vermuten, daβ in solchem Gebilde etwas wirksam gewesen ist, was von innen heraus den Gang der Entwicklung bestimmt hat -eine durchgehende lebenskräftige Idee, vergleichbar dem entwicklungsfähigen Keim, aus welchem kraft innerer Anlage der Baum allmählich herauswächst, in seinem Wachstum nicht bestimmt, höchstens nur beeinfluβt durch die Einwirkungen der äuβeren Umgebung, fördernde und hemmende Umstände.

It will therefore be presumed beforehand that something has been active in such an organization which has determined the course of development from within -a perpetually vigorous idea, comparable to the viable seed, from whose inner strength the tree gradually grows, in its growth not determined, but at most only influenced by the effects of the external environment, its promoting and inhibiting circumstances.

Ernst Abbe on the 50th Anniversary of Carl Zeiss AG, December 12, 1896

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